The story of Main Merch begins in the New York University dorm room of Roy Laniado, Main Merch founder and president, in the Spring of 2005. One afternoon while browsing eBay, Roy noticed a handful of products that he had sold while working at his father’s store, Bargain Beachware. Realizing that these items were selling for a fairly higher price online, Roy decided that it would be worth the investment to try and sell goods online himself. After an initial purchase from Bargain Beachware, Roy began selling on eBay as a personal seller.
” Main Merch saw revenue grow by roughly 50% each year.”
Four months and 329 transactions later, Roy launched WearYourBeer.com, the first of several Main Merch businesses. Over the next several years, Main Merch saw revenue grow by roughly 50% each year, moved from an apartment to an office and warehouse space, and started two new websites: TeesForAll.com and StuffKing.com.
In the summer of 2012, Main Merch opened up two more online storefronts to better organize some of the merchandise that had began selling on TeesForAll over the years. These two new sites, SuperheroDen.com and TVMovieDepot.com, were created to address the growing demand for both licensed Superhero merchandise and film/TV show merchandise. Today, the combination of WearYourBeer, TVMovieDepot and SuperheroDen make up the core of Main Merch’s business.